Ultimate Super Sensitive Holiday Gift Guide!

It’s that time of the year again! Wondering what to get for your highly sensitive friends or family members? I’ve got you covered with my annual list of a few of my favorite sensitive things! From stress relief, to energy lifting, to a better night’s sleep, each of these gifts cater to the sensitive women’s unique needs. And don’t forget to treat yourself, too! 

Tension, stress, and anxiety are things we sensitive women are all too familiar with. The Gaiam Foam Roller is a great tool for someone to commit to their daily self care by stretching and rolling out tense muscles. Hurts so good! 

Silence is literally music to our ears in this often too noisy world. Give the gift of silence anytime with these amazing noise canceling earplugs

 And speaking of noise, another fabulous gift is these noise canceling headphones from NoiseHush. They’re wireless, comfortable, and have great sound. I am obsessed with these and use them all the time when I need to really sit down and concentrate on a project, or want to listen to some soothing music or a guided meditation. 

Want to give the gift of music to match those headphones? A subscription to Focus@Will makes a great gift for your sensitive friends. They provide over 50 channels of scientifically optimized music designed to help you focus. This was a lifesaver for me when I used to work in a noisy corporate office. Throw on my NoiseHush headphones and listen to Focus@Will and I was able to feel super calm and concentrate on my work. 

Sleep is super important for all people, but even more so for those of us who are highly sensitive. We need that restorative recharge time to recover from our overstimulated senses and to really feel our best and brightest. Give the gift of a better nights sleep with this super cute and soft moon eye mask! The molded eye cups allow for deeper sleep by blocking out even more light and providing space for your eyes to flutter comfortably without hitting the fabric. 

 Because we are so sensitive to our environment, many of us suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Especially this time of year, the lack of sunlight in certain cities can really drag us down. I’m a Pacific Northwest girl. Living in Seattle, this awesome sun lamp is a lifesaver for me when the grey days hit. If you know someone who gets the blues in the wintertime, this is the best gift ever! 

Water is so soothing and healing to sensitive souls. When you can’t get out in nature, a long shower or warm bath can be the best thing for frazzled nerves. Really want to wash away all that stress from picking up everyone else’s moods? Get yourself or a sensitive girlfriend this amazing Epsom Salt Body Wash from Dr.Teals. The epsom salts remove built up toxins and the ginger is super energizing! It comes in a bath version too! 

Want to bring even more calm to your HSP friend or family members life? Get them this great little oil diffuser that creates instant relaxing aromatherapy. With beautiful soft colored light, this Diffuser disperses negative ions, which increases the flow of oxygen, relieving feelings of stress, headaches and ensuring better concentration and sleep. 

And to make the diffuser gift even better, surprise your sensitive friend with one of these essential oils from Young Living. These are my top 3 high quality oil recommendations for sensitives and empaths. They are super grounding and bring a sense of safety and calm: try ValorVetiver, or White Angelica

And finally if you want to really spoil your loved one, get them one of my newest programs- The Weekly Success System for the Sensitive Woman! This program is so amazing and will give you or your sensitive friend tons of tools to handle ALL THE FEELS, help them know how to free themselves from other people’s “stuff” so they so can focus on them, and have a flexible routine that empowers them, boost their energy levels, and makes each week feel so much calmer and uncomplicated! It includes two sessions with me, plus email support and more! Check it out here

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful, calm, relaxing and magical holiday season!! 


Amber Rochelle